oskar03 New User


  • A quick update on this.. I reported the issue to Acer support and they asked me to return it under warranty. I took it in to the Acer service centre and their techs acknowledged the issue and replaced the motherboard. Coil whine gone.
  • Some further troubleshooting and research has revealed that it's probably not the CPU itself, but rather the chip that controls the speed step or idle process on the CPU. The screeching definitely occurs when the CPU's clock jumps right up or even down. One forum explained how to disable the CPU idle process in the…
  • Interesting. I have the Skylake i5 6200U processor. It could also be surrounding components when the CPU ramps up, depending on the build quality. Maybe it affects some units but not all. Just a guess, who knows..
  • Hi guys, is this still a problem for you? I purchased the Aspire E 15 E5-575G-53VG laptop from Amazon and have the same coil whine you describe. After some trial and error I discovered that the whine was kicking in when the CPU clock was spiking over 2GHz (as noted from the task manager CPU performance utility). Once I…