


  • Hello again @eGomes and @billsey …It seems i have ran out of luck. Bought a secondhand motherboard, installed it but it doesn't work and i don't actually know what the problem is with this one. It powers on, the keyboard stays lit and the fan spins like crazy continuously. Amongst other things i have tried installing the…
  • Hi again. I bought 4 USB flash drives of 1, 2, 4 and 8 GB. Tried each of these with both file names: VVBI0111.fd and CarlsbergKBL.fd but still the issue remains the same. The motherboard is not available anymore last I checked… Do you think i should try to rewrite the SPI/BIOS based on the instructions from the guide you…
  • Thanks @eGomes. I currently use a 32GB USB and the *.FD file is the only file on the USB. It is also formatted to FAT32. I don't have any 4, 8, 16 GB USB's but I could buy all these with 15 pounds. I am faced with the choice of buying a used motherboard which is around 60 pounds on eBay and change it myself. I also found…
  • I tried but i have the same behavior: When holding FN+ESC with the USB plugged in, after about 5-10 seconds the laptop restarts, then the keyboard stays lit and the fan switches on and off at around 30 40 sec interval… I also read somewhere that sometimes .bin extension works. Tried this but to no avail… Thanks again for…
  • Thanks for your reply. I tried following the instructions in the video, but i don't have the isflash.bin file. At the same time, i tried looking for .fd in all the files in the temporary files saved. But i can't find anything that might look like a file name.