navysealgr New User


  • you forgot to answer ----> 1066MHz or 1333Mhz or 1600 for this laptop?? because i saw 1 thread that told that only 1066mhz supports...
  • thank you very much for your help! i will buy as you said 1 identical RAM 4GB in order to be expanded to total 8GB and then i will decide whether to replace and the old one or not 1 more question; have you heard any problems with the operation of the laptop when RAM is increased? As you know, when you try to boost sth's…
  • it's the acer aspire 5750g with windows 7, i5-2430 2,4GHz and nvidia geforce 540m so you mean that i must have 8GB RAM in same speeds and not in different... hope i helped you find and understand the model i have because i cant find more details in the laptop's options.