mike-k New User


  • Well I didn't use Rufus, but a tool that works similar (Stick is with GPT and Fat32...?!), the burned iso didn't work either...?! Well. Will try one with Rufus next time... Maybe..? (Funny thing - either Stick and Disc worked in a Vbox (set up with UEFI))
  •  A little followup: The F15 put up a real fight. First, the Recovery somehow stalled. The USB-Stick and the DVD (took both, they've been working in a Virtualbox-Enviroment) couldn't start on the Aspire (any Linux-DVD or Stick worked) 2nd Recovery worked, but took hours. Bios-Changes (Boot-Order) didn't do anything; F12…
  • Thanks IronFly I have used the "reset with retaining the files"-Option, but the owner of the Aspire said it now runs terribly slow, that's why she wants a clean install... So if I use the option without retaining any files, i'll get a fresh install with a "clean" harddisc (except the "bloatware"-preinstallations)? If not -…