mcasarav New User


  • Thanks for your response! At least now the Windows Update finds the updates but now it freezes when downloading, it stucks at 0%. Im trying everything. Something that is worrying me is that the coolers/fans of the notebook keep making noise, like there was an overheating or something, and this never happened before. I dont…
  • I opened the notebook, but it seems nothing is wrong with the Network Card, nothing seems to be disconected or something. Thanks again for your help.
  • A mi me pasa lo mismo con mi Acer Aspire V5-552P, de repente dejo de andar bien el WiFi, solo em anda si estoy al lado del router, camino dos pasos y ya deja de funconar. Fue de un momento a otro, la verdad muy molesto. Agradezco cualquier ayuda.
  • Thanks for taking your time to send an answer. Is it possible that what you say is the problem, even if Im actually using a WiFi connection right now? I repeat, the problem isn't that I can't connect to wifi, is that I loose all signal when I move just a few steps from the router. Thanks again!