marklyn New User


  • Holy *****! I just figured it out. I looked at EVERY key on my MS Keyboard and noticed one that said F-Lock. I never ever noticed that key before. It appears that if I hold that key down and press a F key, that is what allows that F key to be used (during bootup anyway). I have been toying with this for weeks. But it was…
  • I do have fast and quiet turned off and F12 boot menu option turned on... You're right that give me more time to try other F keys but alas none work. I've also had no luck trying to find a new bios, but not finding one newer than the version I have from 2013. I figure if there was a new bios that would probably fix the…
  • No, my bios is for a desktop, I think his is for a laptop so the bios settings may differ a bit. I've cycled through all of the Fkeys and none of them make a bit of difference. So frustrating!
  • There is no fast boot in my version of BIOS, that is one of the reasons why I tried finding a newer version but so far the newest I've found is from 2013, which I have. The F12 boot menu option is enabled though. I also did try the quiet boot but that doesn't seem to help either. I have no idea why my F12 is not working,…