lukasck New User


  • Unfortunately no effort has been given to resolve this problem... My only alternative is to resell this unit and buy something else, such a big shame... i remember back in a day, when Acer put a lot of effort in their software, so much that a 7 year old, low end laptop could be used with ease to various tasks without…
  • Well I read somewhere that in other devices that BIOS workaround exists and works fine. Question is, is there going to be an update to BIOS, or any other solution provided for this problem in 32N series... It is very frustrating to be force to wokeup your device every 30 minutes (since im a fast and somewhat chaotic typer,…
  • Spin SP111-32N SN: NXGRMEP003XXXXXXXXXXX my current BIOS version is 1.08Sorry I've attached SNID number so it would be easier to identify this model but it was censured [Post edited to remove inappropriate or personal content -Acer-Manny]