lbutlr New User


  • recreated the USB installer, this time it worked on the Acer. Still confused, but not enough to track it down when it worked on another computer. :shrug:
  • (To be clear, the error is slightly different. after clearing the disk and converting it to GPT and starting the installer, when I click :Next” I get an error “Windows could not prepare the computer to boot into the next phase” and I am director to restart the installation, Restarting it THEN shows the partitions, and I am…
  • This is the diskpart commands I used. ```select disk 0cleanconvert gptcreate partition efi size=100format quick fs=fat32 label="System"create partition msr size=16create partition primaryformat quick fs=ntfs label="Win 10"assign letter=X``` I tried with the simpler instructions linked above (the first three lines) and I…