kaityford New User


  • Okay, thank you, I see it now. Can I sign into Acer Portal with the same sign-in i created for this website?
  • Also, is it something to be concerned about? I mean will it harm anything or create problems?
  • Thank you for the detailed follow-up! Can you please tell me where to find this Acer Portal Application, I am not sure what you are referring to. 
  • @Acer-Ryan I dont think messages about a system crashing should be showing up if there is not a problem. It is obviously showing for a reason and I hope that you can determine a better explanation.
  • WOW. I have the same laptop as you whatrymes and also having the same issue. For me, it only pops up when I am in Google Chrome, but I do notice it happens frequently after the computer has gone to sleep. I havent done anything major to the system since I got it so I dont know why this would be happening. 