jterryc New User


  • Sorry for the late reply, I have been on a sunbed in Lanzarote, but I have found the answer to my question. If anyone is interested here is what I did. This is only applicable to units updated from windows 8.1 Ensure you have Created a recovery Drive Prior to updating to Windows 10. Using a very good Free tool called…
    in W1-810 Comment by jterryc October 2015
  • Thanks for the rely padgett Yes I did make a recovery drive on an 8GB USB stick , I also backed up the drivers onto a 2GB USB stick that is not the problem. The E Recovery software stated that once completed the recovery partition could be deleted to release the 25% of the 32GB drive back to the user. There was a hyperlink…
    in W1-810 Comment by jterryc September 2015