jifjosh New User


  • @JackE I'm just glad you can confirm that I am not being a bonehead and that I am not going insane! I don't need this 3rd screen for gaming - that would be on the attached monitor or via the HDMI. I would use the extra monitor for work, more screen area for the various software I use (quickbooks, excel, and {cough} access)…
  • @JackE I'm just glad you can confirm that I am not being a bonehead and that I am not going insane! I don't need this 3rd screen for gaming - that would be on the attached monitor or via the HDMI. I would use the extra monitor for work, more screen area for the various software I use (quickbooks, excel, and {cough} access)…
  • @JackE - yes that is the model number, PT315-52