jeremythelee New User


  • It took all of 30 seconds for them to approve my request and send me a shipping label. I'm bummed out my monitor doesn't work but I'm very happy with the support process thus far. 
  • Thanks for the additional info. I'll contact support about the shipping label right now! 
  • The system automatically directed me to ship it in to their repair shop... If I spend $100+ on shipping and it's sent back unfixed I'm going to be F'ing livid. This is obviously a manufacturing issue if 3 displays in a row have the same artifacting.
  • I was reading through this because my 2nd replacement from Amazon still has the artifacting issue. I'm absolutely blown away that the latest post is from 2 days ago... So this still isn't fixed? I guess I'll contact support as well. Thanks for being so diligent with your updates. I'll be following closely while I go…