jamesqf New User


  • Tried the Acer monitor just now. Works fine with the new kernel, displays resolutions up to 2560x1440, and uses that (with HDMI connection). along with the 1600x1200 second monitor.
  • I think I've found the problem. Apparently the Linux kernel didn't support the N150 graphics until very recently. Upgrading from OpenSuSE Leap 15.6 to the current Tumbleweed release seems to get the drivers: at least I have correct list of video modes for my old Dell monitor - up to 1600x1200, which it's now using. Haven't…
  • Thanks for the reply. The letters are Ebmiiprx. Don't know about OpenSuSE settings - I'm used to it just discovering whatever hardware & display resolutions there are, and using the highest available. But all of them are either VGA or DVI connections. The BeeLink is the first machine I've had that is only HDMI. I'll see…