jackschrij New User


  • i send my tab to acer to look it over , they tel me that the repairbil would be in a order of €190,- and that it whas a cosumer damage ??? so i had to pay the whole amound myselfs this is craizy. i could do 3 things : 1. let it repair for €190,- 2. not repair it and pay look over cost €60,- and still have a defected tab 3.…
  • ty guy's for your support there whas nothing els i could then send it back to acer for a repair because it is a strucktual fould in the hardwear ore software who els is better in the repair then it's own maker. hope it will com back fully repaird and reddy for use again.
  • not that i know of it just stopt working and froze, so i resetted it and it stopt working compleet.
  • done this http://panam.acer.com/acerpanam/tablets/2011/Acer/ICONIATab/ICONIATabA500/IconiaTabA500faq52.shtml dit not work.......................................................
  • same problem here with mine iconia A100 tap it gets stuck at the acer sceen. i have manege to get a screen with a androit avatar lying on it's back with a ! in a red triangel. with yello text that there is not sutch directory , and some boot failure text aswell pleace acer help i am realy desparet..................