im4bsd5 New User


  • if you rename the current "WindowsImageBackup" to say "WindowsImageBackup_1" then make new image but from memory if ever you need to use that particular image you will have to do a bit of name changing to restore from earlier image. does that make sense Can't recalll definitely if i've ever had to rely on a previous image…
  • g'day James sorry if my reply earlier may have appeared to be a bit short, nothing was intended i was in a bit of a rush this morning. as far as your bios for your machine goes if you've installed windows 10 and it works obviously no reason to consider update. when i purchased my machine it was running windows 8 and…
  • My XC-603 is off the shelf and the symptoms the user is asking about are exactly the same as i was experiencing. all the clean installs and driver updates helped nought. the latest bios update was long after the release of win 10 P11.B4 Update Intel Microcode M0C30678831. 2015/11/04 this resolved the problem (restart) I…
  • If you haven't resolved the problem yet. just wondering what the output of the following in command prompt is? wmic bios get smbiosbiosversion