hamstermajszter New User


  • Hey, thanks for the really detailed solution. First of all: "You are not supposed to run Ubuntu on this Laptop". And because you did it, you don't have your warranty anymore :/ I think, they are wrong, if there isn't any special statement in warranty documents, your warranty must be alive. I bouth this laptop with linux.…
  • Hey man, thanks for your reply. That's true, after BIOS update, black screen bug disappeared. Anyway, i had a same problem as you, i could installed every distro, like ubuntu/manjaro/debian, but i cannot boot into it. Tried every combination with secure boot and UEFI boot, every flag and MBR/GPT partition table. I failed,…
  • Now i re-do everything step-by-step as you wrote (whit the newest BIOS): 1. create bootable stick with rufus, take care for these 3 parameter as you mentioned 2. set up BIOS pswd 3. set boot mode to UEFI and enable the Secure boot 4. add UEFI file as trusted executing: usb0/EFI/boot/bootx64.efi 5. in Boot priority order I…
  • Thanks for your fast response. I downloaded and upgraded the latest BIOS from Acer site. First tried legacy boot, after UEFI boot and finally, tried to add Trusted UEFI file as eelcoherders mentioned in his comment. The problem still the same: i'm only can reach the GRUB, but when i try to install the os (or start the live…