


  • thanks billsey....would have thought that if a cable became disconnected then both the camera and display signal would be lost. interesting that one could lose the display yet keep the camera
  • thanks @billsey for the info on the screws! will need to order a screwdriver that can handle that does it mean that the screen is bad because the webcam still works? (tested it out in Teams) that is, the screen is still the black screen of death but the webcam is still functioning. does that tell us anything?
  • what tool takes out the screws in the back of this thing? can someone provide a link please
  • nothing happens when i press Fn+F5 or Fn+F6 do folks from Acer watch these boards? this is a relatively new computer.....wonder if other folks are having the same issue....class action?
  • would folks recommend using this cable? also, any videos showing how homegamers can replace this cable? also, also are other folks having the same issue with this laptop?
  • pin hole suggestion did not work. suspect this will be the answer: JackE said: >>>Connect HDMI to external monitor works, but could not find the major display.>>> This suggests the LCD video & cam cable connectors are either loose, dirty or a cable wire in the hinge area may have broken due to wear and tear of opening…