gilperon New User


  • Hello Mr. Vince, I will try tomorrow to reset it to factory defaults and hope it solves the problem them I will come back here and post the conclusion. About the warranty I printed your comment and will take it tomorrou to the Acer store in Florianópolis - Brasil and hope they honor cause I called them on friday and it did…
  • Hello Mr. Vince53, Thank you for helping me! I am happy it worked on your desktop but I still cannot open it in my S7. If it were a cheap notebook I would not complain, but I payed a lot and I hoped I would not have problems like this. As you asked my model is S7-392-6411 (it is written in the box). I still did not install…
  • I spent the last hour sutying many forums in the internet and I found another guy with the same problem. He told he returned the device and asked another one. The problem is that I bought the S7 in the US and now I came back from my travel and I am in Brazil. The stores here will not accept the return of the product. So my…