gdrag0n New User


  • philetus, wiping hard drive now. Taking it back to RAW, no partitions, etc. Will let you know outcome. Thank you for responding. G
  • Ace, I will give it a shot. Is it your understanding after I "clean" the drive, I should leave it in that condition and the recovery drive will detect, partition, make the partitions active, set letter and make primary and bootable as well as put all files needed so the machine boots and runs? I thank you in advance. Gary
  • Ace, thank you for the response. Would you be so kind as to read my post from yesterday titled need help with SW5-012 - interesting problem. It is a little more complicated then my followup. To answer your question, yes, no problem on the booting from the factory thumb drive or the one I made and used to diagnose some of…
  • Jack thank you for responding. I just posted a followup a few minutes ago. Can you tell me for a fact that the Aspire Switch 10's hard drive (flash drive) is formatted NTFS on the primary and the hidden partitions? Gary