


  • Thanks for your response. I was away for the weekend but I left the computer on. now that I return, I found that the modem and the computer are communicating. there seen to be no more driver problem there, I could now access the Internet. I do not know how it happened and i'm quite sure that no one had access to the…
  • Hi, I Know it has been a few weeks since the last post but I thought I give sought of a progress report for the benefit of those who might be having the same problem as i'm. Now, as per your advise Justin. I had to go back to windows 8 like you said. and doing so, did indeed fix the random on and off problem i was…
  • Hi Justin, Thank you very much for your assistance.
  • Thanks for your reply. I guess I can try that, if the machine can stay on long enough for me to revert back to win, 8. I must let you know though, that I've stick a piece of 4GB PC3L. in it and it work just fine. Since the post for help, this said module has been working to date. Donn't know if the voltage difference…
  • Hi,Laurent_14 I beg your indulgences. I understand the equation in your last reply. I get it, you're saying that my pc only support DDR3 memory modules, it does not supports DDR3L memory modules. That’s clear to me. I'm saying, the KN4GB070093251a1e73000.... & the KN2GB070143251988a3000....from my old desktop…
  • Hi, Laurent_14. Please forgive me,for i'm a little confused. Can you clarify? Individually all 3 pieces of RAM will work in my computer. I know this because I tried them all. and that's the thing, they only work, if only one piece is install at a time. try putting in two pieces in any combination and thats when you get the…
  • Hi Laurent_14, Thanks for your response. my original memory module: KN4GB07004.... I have the original memory modules from my old SX2110G-UW24 GateWay Desktop, which Carry's an Acer D1F-AD motherboard. It came with 6GB of RAM. The #. are KN4GB07009.... & KN2GB07014.... respectively. This piece of 4GB is what I tried to add…