dvt802 New User


  • And now that I wrote everything clearly I get no response at all. The trackpad driver is just plain goofy but is better than nothing. Bluetooth is still a mystery. Profoundly disappointing service. I buy an Acer from Costco, to be advised to update to Win8 by both, only to lose critical features and then be told I have to…
  • In addition to this forum, I have made a number of calls to telephone support and I am simply tired very tired of going over this again and again and again. Here it goes again. Acer had an upgrade to Win8 offer for this at-the-time one month old model. Acer said I could use the Microsoft site. I have that documented.…
  • There certainly has been misrepresentation by acer. I bought a machine with features and now those features don't work. Unlike you I can't spend all day reloading the same drivers again and again. There has beeb deceit telling me that reloading the same darn driver will fix my problem. Acer even had a windows 8 upgrade…
  • Which means Acer inc does not support this 5 month old machine if I load windows 8. I just wish there had been more clear warnings from Costco or Acer or Microsoft that doing such a pathetically stupid thing like following their recommendations would void all warranties and lead me to be treated like dog dirt. I did get…
  • Spoiler (Highlight to read)And disappointed in this Community - no worhtwhile response. Thansk to the one person that tries at least, but I had already tried that. And if you knwo exactly how to check the exact make and model of the driver in place in Win *, I'll be glad to look it up. I think Acer forgot me after the…
  • That did nothing. I use Acer updater all the time. it's really sick that I convrted to Windows 8 and lost many features. Sad sad sad. Ad apparently no help from Acer, no plans to retrofit. Of course I bought mine all the way back in September so I guess its old ***** now.