dustydirtroad New User


  • So far I believe it was the microsoft sign in that caused it all. I cleared everything through microsoft help, "sync" is the issue. When setting up a new computer and sync the old desktop and user settings apps and all. It apparently set my Tablet system on my desk top. Couldn't use my keyboard, and the portal crashed too.…
  • portal can't be used when it crashed as it's trying to load. Can't understand your last sentance? English or Typing? Finally got it to load this am when I did a full sysstem restore to original mfg specs. Now the keyboard worked but as soon as I put in my microsoft account it stopped so I'm assuming it's the "sync" and…
  • so what do we need the pocrtal for then? I'M trying to set up a new all in one and gaving the same issues... along with my wireless keyboard not working. but it does work on the second user account. 4 days somfar i might be returing this thing. first time ever issues with acer