dgrannyof3 New User


  • I'm pretty sure according to Spareparts also that the 40100101 has to be the same as my motherboard or all the other parts are not going to work, I have already ran into that. I'm speaking with Acer now and there going by the s/n and the MBPT.
  • the MBPT of my motherboard is 40100101, I have seen a couple of them but have been out bid or they have been sold places where I couldn;t use my credit card. It's and Intel cpu processor and a 989 socket after the JE70-cp there is 09923-1M also on the motherboard. Thank you
  • Can someone tell me if there is a place to go online where I can purchase the little retainer clip or zip connector the holds the keyboard ribbon onto the motherboard? I have an Acer Aspire 7741z-5731 which needs one, I have tried all the tricks online trying to put it back together and a Toshiba also and when I get them…