dazel New User


  • thank you very much this is great information , but if i cant get into my laptop how can i get this information onto a usb to put back into my system to repair it ? , u must know / understand i,m a bit of a noob when it comes to laptops or pc,s i,m using my old pc " windows vista ultimiate" which is just an upgrade , to…
  • yes i have tried to enter safe mode using f8 , all i get is a blank screen , i also tried alt f10 but all i get is unmounable boot drive in a blue screen and it tells me it will restart , when it restarts in give me the automatic repair tool on screen agaqin , it seems like its repairing but this just stays this way till i…
  • i updated the system to windows 10 , i am still trying to get it working , the only thing it let me do was enter the bios , where i set it to factory settings saved and exited , when i restarted it again , i got a blue screen teling me it needs to restart, when it restarts i get the sscreen telling me its automatic…