davidoricardo New User


  • Yes, thank you All appears to be working normally Many thanks once again David
  • OMG! It's alive! In answer to your questions 1) Yes 2) Yes 3) Yes But having left it a day I've just powered it back up and it's booted, went to safe screen first and I took it straight back to opening Vista. Initially it said CMOS settings wrong CMOS date/time not set CMOS checksum bad Well thank you for your help!!! I…
  • Hello, yes directly to motherboard. No beeps, just the mechanical sounds of the fans and the hard drive. Re the final test, I have replaced the battery BUT now it will NOT power up at all!!! Any thoughts as this seems to have made matters worse!
  • Hello, no have tried without card in, no luck When you talk about the device sockets on the motherboard, what order are the numbers? As I said I have 2 banks of 3 sockets 1 2 3 4 5 6 Which one should the HD be connected and which one the DVD drive?
  • Does it matter which connector the hard drive uses on the motherboard? I noticed when I tried one the whole machine did not power up. I have 6 in 2 rows of 3. The top right is used by the DVD drive 
  • Hello. sorry the socket was hidden by a cover, I have tried that, still no signal to the monitor
  • Hi, Aspire M5201 is all that is shown S/N 92LPR77UCP There doesn't appear to be a VGA on the motherboard I had a spare Radeon graphic card which I have inserted but with no response on the screen Note that there are 2 connectors still attached to the integrated card, which I have not removed, should I remove them and try…
  • Yes, the machine was connected via VGA to an HP monitor which I know is fine but it receives NO SIGNAL