darky03 New User


  • still didn't work sir... I2C HID device is always there when switching to advanced... is it possible that the service center replaced my laptop's touchpad without my knowledge? i bought 2 of it at the same time, and the other one has a synaptics touchpad this is very saddening T_T
  • - touchpad:[basic] touchpad is working BASICally - uninstalled old driver - restarted - windows update disabled (so windows wont update the older version of the driver) - restarted - installed the old version of elantech driver - restarted - checked the driver, it's the older version, was not updated by windows (touchpad…
  • it did work using the Elantech driver with [Basic] mode in BIOS for touchpad... and there's no gestures but when I switched it to [Advanced] after installing the elantech driver... this is what happens btw, this occured after the local acer service center returned it to me... they said, "the main board was replaced".. I…