corycat New User


  • Hi there again, Ironfly, thanks for your reply. I did as you suggested and rearranged so that only my monitor was connected, this time through the HDMI. And this time I got the same exact problem that I was having before, So for the monitor: having it hooked up w DVI had no problems, but hooking it up with HDMI gave me the…
  • IM BACK. Unfortunate, I know So I send in the system to acer for repairs, I get it back and the repair reads: "did extensive stress testing on system for 2 days and could not find any issues" So I'm like, cool, just me then. But I still have the same problem. But I ONLY have the problem when my drawing tablet/second…
  • Yea, I submitted for a repair this morning through their online service so I could write out everything that has been happening + attaching an image of what I've been experiencing. Hopefully this time I get a bit more of a repair than just softloading the system. Thanks for all your help and time though, IronFly! I…
  • I left the computer running all weekend but didnt seem to have any problems--though this entire time I only had one display hooked up. But this is just not workable option for me as I need the second display (my tablet) in order to work. I can't imagine my tablet causing the problem considering that I've never experianced…
  • Just kidding--I left my computer for about 30 minutes and when I came back it had apparently crashed and restarted. (yay for losing work) It's basically gotta be some kinda hardware issue at this point, right?
  • Here I am, back again! So I was usin a DVI-D Single Link cable. Picked up a dual-link cable and hooked everything up and everything seemed to be running smoothly. But then I got the same graphical artifacts suddenly except this time, it recovered itself on its own? Aside from it crashing Photoshop CC, nothing else terrible…
  • Hey there—thanks for replyin' GPU/VGA Type: Graphics Controller Manufacturer NVIDIA Graphics Controller Model GeForce GTX 745 I've unhooked my tablet so to connect just the computer and the monitor thru the HDMI (comp only has one useable HDMI port, otherwise I'd just skip over the DVI and just use HDMI all around) and no…