carlonb New User


  • Hi Laurent, Seems that disabling "fast startup" do not solve the PC freezing, anyway now it' freezing less than before. Needs more investigation. @Laurent and all community users, Please help me to find the manual of this MB "G45T/G43T-AM3 V:1.0" this model is printed on my MB, with Speccy the MB is reported as "EG43M (CPU…
  • Just now disabled "Turn on fast startup" and I will see if this solve. I do not get a blue screen, simply the screen (and the whole PC) merely freezes where it is at that moment (desk top or an app or navigating on web....), no mouse or ctrl-alt_del or any other action will be possible. I'm asking also for the MB manual,…
  • Hi Laurent, CMOS battery already changed with a fresh one but not solve. Where I can find Event Viewer? About the manual? Seems impossible to find it... Thanks Edit: May be I found the Event Viewer, this is the cause "Kernel-Power" event ID 41 Hope will be usefull.
  • Hi Laurent, Thanks for the reply, the only sticker I see has this: G43T-AM3(SN). Can you help me about the mb manual? My problem started about 15 days ago. When I turn the PC on, after few minutes (2 or 3) it freeze and I have to turn it off and on again. This happens for 2 or 3 times, finally then when it starts, it does…