candytripn New User


  • Well.. Monday's here, and true to word, got a call at about 8:30 this morning. A lady by the name of Dottie let me know she was taking over my case. They were'nt able to find a replacement for my monitor, and so offered me something else... something better even. A 27" 144hz 1ms G-Sync monitor (which is actually 3D ready,…
  • A little update for anyone following. So I just got a call from Acer, seems whatever issues my monitor were having are beyond repair (or cost vs replacement) and was offered... a replacement. Ok great.. refurbed model is fine with my.. mine wasn't exactly new itself. The only caveat, is they have no monitors that fit both…
  • Thanks for the reply.. I'm glad you guys are pretty quick in looking into these. I was trying not to sound too frustrated, so sorry if it came across that way. Honestly, the US Support for Acer was pretty on the ball (other than the problem cropping up again.. but those things happen), it was just getting to that point. I…