cameronjbest New User


  • Thank you Smon for the bump, I have a follow up. I was able to replace the motherboard and left the computer to charge overnight. It got up to 100%, but once unplugged dropped quickly down to 1% again and now will not charge back up. I've treid every combination of new/old motherboard and battery with multiple chargers and…
  • billsey - Before I jump the gun and order a replacement, could it be something else or is that the safest bet?
  • Sorry for the delay in responding, I was just able to get back to the computer. The new charger did not work. The center electrode is there and doesn't seem to be bent. The computer turns on when plugged in, and will show two blue lights for power and data, before the power light turning amber. I left it to see if it would…
  • I'm pretty sure I tried a different power supply, but I'll double check again. That was what I was hinting at in my original post, was if it does happen to be a hardware issue, can I just replace the daughter board or the full motherboard. I don't have a multimeter, unfortunately.