bgg New User


  • I did run chkdsk with /f. It did not appear to fix any errors so I guess it found nothing.
  • Justin, Yes, docked or undocked... same problem.
  • I believe I now know the issue. The touchscreen is bad. There is a spot on the screen that is accepting false touches. Any part of the screen that can be dragged that lies underneath the false touch shakes that part, i.e. tile. So the false touch isn't press and release but more like touch and drag. I can actually but…
  • All the updates have been installed. I was able to finally see the BIOS get updated. There was one failure: "Update touch key failed". I've recorded screencasts to show the problem: Notice parts of the screen shaking:…
  • Also - I don't think it is a hardware issue since the taskbar does NOT shake but the window above it does. If it was hardware - the whole screen should shake. Thanks
  • Thank you for your reply. Please note: I was NOT able to restore to factory defaults. The error message is I am missing files. There was no other media when I purchased this tablet. I tried to update the BIOS to 2.0, but not sure it worked since when I run the setup program it just installs drivers that were already…