ahtur New User


  • Thanks for checking though. I still believe Windows could have installed these apps as part of a new feature introduced this fall. Nevertheless, it's a shame Acer didn't reply to my ticket requesting, if not the preinstalled apps, at least the full list of promotions I am entitled to in order to know which apps to blindly…
  • Would it be possible that they were just randomly installed by the so-called Windows Consumer Experience and not by Acer? What would be the definitive way to tell?
  • Thank you for your reply. They're not in the Get-AppXProvisionedPackage -online list thought, as opposed, for example, to Evernote and they do not get reinstalled for each new user. So, if Acer is installing them at setup, do you know by which mechanism? Second question, does Acer provide them along with some discount on…