Zimmerwerk New User


  • Your Welcome, and yeaph, Just like i said before, I just want to share some guidance about this topic, there is no public info related out there and I hate to keep to myself something usefull, so here we are now. Best Luck with your video, and share it on this thread to help someone who need it.
  • Sure, thanks for taking the time to read my post I just feel someone else must need this kind of info. Underneath this plastic cover is a fixed Screw Watch out for the force applied to remove the board or any other component. You want a healthy Pc, not a dead Brick. Remember the rest of the screws around the Fans System…
  • If another user come to this place looking for visual Reference i gonna share with you some pics: External Cover, Slot For memory and SDD exposed. You dont need to remove the external Cover to access this. This Image is the Main Board and the thermal system removed. There you can see the kind of thermal paste used and the…