Wulf4096 New User


  • If you're really sure that the network cable and connectors etc. are fine (e.g. boot from usb, see what happens there) and tcpdump/wireshark show nothing, then it's a BIOS bug. I never came across such an issue before. I assume you tried resetting bios settings and double checked them too? Also try booting with UEFI…
  • And btw, if you're trying to hide parts of your MAC address, hide the lower bits. At least the 3 rightmost digits. The leftmost bits are vendor specific, all similar laptops will have the same prefix.
  • How do you know it won't try to optain IP address? Did you run tcpdump / wireshark to double check? Is your network cable okay?
  • Small update to above. I assume my PXE method cannot work. The BIOS is probably locked when any user-provided code is booted. And another user seems to have the same problem: http://community.acer.com/t5/Travelmate-and-Extensa/TravelMate-P449-G2-MG-Can-not-install-Linux/m-p/517513#M1923
  • That sounds exactly like http://community.acer.com/t5/Travelmate-and-Extensa/P459-G2-M-Bios-upgrade/m-p/513286#M1883 The BIOS upgrade fails for reasons unknown to me, the error message is hidden behind the splash screen. That's as far as my theory goes. ctrl-alt-del should suffice.
  • I talked to support, they suggested I download windows evaluation or live cd. Did that, update not working. Update file is put on EFI partition and BIOS somehow notified about it. On reboot, BIOS just hangs in "ACER" screen. I then managed to load the file (P4.fd) through PXE (UEFI enabled, secure boot disabled) and it…
  • https://github.com/joernheissler/ubuntu-pxe Please let me know if this works.
  • No idea about BIOS differences. But I assume they should be quite similar. In BIOS, enable UEFI, disable secure boot. Grab installer files from http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/zesty/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/ and read any manual on how to setup dhcp, tftp, etc. That installer isn't using uefi, so I…
  • Haha ;-) So disable all recovery partition options in BIOS and install your favourite Linux distro. (Kernel 4.12 should work with all the acpi quirks!). And I recently found a very useful command for SSDs: blkdiscard. Wipe a harddrive in a few seconds, Windows will be gone. Then install Windoze XP in a VM, I doubt it will…
  • I've got a P459-G2-M and managed to install Ubuntu 17.04. Then boot into safe mode and upgrade kernel to 4.12.