Will_ New User


  • That is what I did, the device has been sent directly to Acer for warranty, I thought the bsod was caused due to drivers and I was waiting for updates.
  • So this is an update, the device hasn't received any service, just some tests and the technicians apparently didn't find anything wrong, so I'll wait to receive my unit and I'll record on video the several bsod in both w10, w11 and in startup, I'll send back my device to service using the same box and envelopes used. I'm…
  • Less than 3 months in an authorized store, I thought it was something related to drivers so I decided to wait for the updates, but after clean installs of w11 and w10 with the same symptoms I decided to send it to Acer for warranty, I think is a faulty GPU or motherboard.
  • I can not answer that atm because the device has been sent to warranty service. A long time ago I had a very negative experience with AMD+Nvidia on an old Compaq, the motherboard literally fried, I could iron clothes using the laptop (it wasn't gaming), there was a worldwide recall and my unit was one of those affected .…
  • Hello! The truth is that I don't remember well, I only know that after unboxing as soon as I turned it on I got a blue screen. And that happens every time I turn on the device the next day.