Whirly New User


  • Thanks Jack. You lend support to my wife, who says I should leave it off ALLthe time. I guess it will stay fully charged then. I'll buy the right charger but hope to find the earlier car charger. I only used passed computers in the car a few times, and I didn't do more than 2 things at the same time. And half the times it…
  • Thanks. This makes it a lot simpler. All the ads were really confusing.
  • I have an Acer E15 E5-573-35AQ and there are a coupe batteries for sale E5-573 with no suffix and lots of batteries for sale for E5-573-nn, other suffixes, but the last characters are never the same. And there are at least a dozen batteries for sale, each for models with different trailing characters, but not mine. The…