WEX New User


  • I also noticed that if you turn off the power and the laptop is running on battery power, overclocking disappears and the temperature normalizes.Those. external monitor starts overclocking on my laptop how to fix it?
  • No, nothing works only system programs. I maximum optimized my windows. My temperature when i disconnected my external monitor. When I connect a second monitor, the laptop automatically starts overclocking to 1404hz. What to do and how to suspend it I do not know.
  • When its idle, i have 55-60C if i dont use my coolerpad+4200+rpm on my notebook fanblades. And if all fanblades turn on i have 46-50C. Monitor has 60hz refresh rate. If i disconnect my exsternal monitor then reboot i will have 139hz orlower, all temperatures 38-42C. 
  • 1404hz not resolved, can somebody helps?