


  • I should've included you in the thanks too Gotbanned. I'm sorry I forgot. Your help was not less helpful than Gressex1's initial explanation. On the contrary. Couldn't have done it without you and your pictures to help. Feeling more confident now to tackle other (still small though) upgrades to my system ;-) Next up, front…
  • I've now upgraded my rig with the Noctua NH-L9x65 and I am well happy! Installation was much easier than I thought as I didn't have to change the bracket at all. I simply had to use a new set of M3 12mm screws to fit in the excisting mount arms from the bracket. Temperatures have now dropped in average 20 degrees. From 82…
  • Thank you for taking the time to explain. I understand the bracket and screw problem now. I will probably end up trying to change the backplate. Your help has been much appreciated. Thanks again!
  • Hi again, Got another question for you. As I've just ordered this cooler I noticed you had some problems with the screws you mention. Can you elaborate on this for me please. Do you mean the 4 included thumbnuts? Because I can't see where you use screws unless you mean the ones that are attached to the bracket that sits on…
  • Hi, I've just ordered the very same pc as yours and I want to order a new cpu fan right away. Mostly to reduce the noise from the stock cpu fan that I keep reading about from other owners. So I was wondering about this Noctua NH-L9x65, Premium Low-Profile CPU Cooler of yours. Did you notice a considerable reduction in…