Thank you!
Okay last question. Is it necessary to update the Nvidia drivers even if no problems occur? I have the stock version that came with the laptop. Any game that I've installed and play runs. Specifically like Doom, Prey, Witcher 3, Doshonored 2, PUBG.
I understand. Thank you for your help. I'll consider this as a solution for this topic.
I haven't experienced any crashing for this laptop thankfully. So crashing is normal when undervolted? I leave Vsync Off to get the extra fps but when I realized that when turning it on the temperature reduces, I never leave it off. Thank you for your reply. Might you recommend any particular ways of undervolting CPU…
I have one thing to recommend since I am currently playing dishonored 2 as well. I noticed that for every game, when Vsync is ON, the temperature for both CPU and GPU decreases around 10C. Before, I played CSGO with Vsync Off, CPU temperature reaches around 80-90C. But when I turned it on, It decreased to around 70C and…