TheAlias6 New User


  • Try dusting it out with a can of compressed air.
  • This may seem like an over-simplyfied answer but have you checked the brightness? This is how Windows recommends you do it: Laptop displays don't have brightness or contrast buttons on the front. For a majority of laptops, there isn't a control for setting the contrast. However, you can set the brightness of many laptops…
  • I don't know 100% but if you want to check, you could always go to Control Panel, click on Programs and Features, and then browse what's installed. If you recognize security software you're happy with, then you're good. If there isn't any or you don't like the program installed, then uninstall the program you don't want…
  • At the very least I need someone to link me to a website that I may have missed. So far I haven't been able to find anything.