SteveLfc New User


  • Sorry i accidentally set my comment as the accepted answer, when I intended to set JackE's answer pointing at the LCD inverter, and I dont have the credentials to correct it so i'll leave it to someone who has the privileges to do this mark only JackE's as the accepted answer.
  • Thats it, cheers ACE ; that's got to be the exact problem since its clear that the screen fades to white after 20 mins and the problem is the same with both the old and new screens and obviously when this inverter fails you are left with a backlight, hence the white screen, I looked at the inverter when I disassembled the…
  • Thanks but as I said I have tested all the cables and connectors and have elimated any cable or connector issues completely. Also from experience as a hardware engineer I can tell you for sure that if it was a cable fault or loose connector the screen would flicker with horizontal lines and the background would be black…