Sindre759 New User


  • Hi and sorry for late reply, i have now tried to reinstall windows and drivers. I have now tried both acer's drivers and driver directly from intel for the chipset and they both do the exact same thing, the NVIDIA drivers still crash. Maybe i'll just wait for Windows10 and keep using Win8.1 for now, i have managed to…
  • I have now tried both the drivers you suggested from that shady site, and they are the exact same drivers as the ones from Acer. They also give me BSOD when i open a program that uses the Nvidia card.
  • Hi ACE philetus, Thanks for your reply. i have already tried the Nvidia Experience, it does sucessfully install the newest drivers, but they also crash when i start a program/app that uses the Nvidia card. i'm going to try the other site later today, but it seems shady.