Rurb New User


  • I used the touchpad's shortcut (fn+f7) and the mouse's cursor returned. Now everything is working fine. Any tips for what can I do to don't see it again? 
  • Today, I woke up and the notebook turned on, loaded windows, but I am unable to see the mouse's cursor. I didn't make any effort. The computer woke up without battery (I turned off before sleep) and today I plugged in the charger and turn on. The keyboard is working. I am using only the touchpad and don't have another…
  • Ah, outros pontos que podem ser úteis: 1) após a tela azul "watchdog violation" o computador entrou em modo de recuperação sem sucesso 2) estou com o W10 atualizado. Hoje não estava conectado na Internet e não ligava o computador há 4 dias 3) nunca tive este problema 