RiskManager New User


  • Dear Philetus, Thanks for your generous reply, I really appreciate it. Dear, problem is that, I have wiped all the HDD and creat new partition volumes of my own . So, Now, My laptop has nothing on it except empty HDD Drives. On the other hand, I have tried with the solutin you provided from wikihow, the problem is intact.…
  • Dear Philetus, I have tried almost all the drivers I can, but all in vain. One thing can be possible, which is, that, If ACER give me the driver version, which ACER used to installed it on my Laptop. If ACER is willing to give me that version, I will give your laptop's Serial No and SNID No and all the other details which…
  • Thanks for replying Dear, I didnt upgrade to windows 10. This issue is constant whatever the windows version is e.g (windows 7, windows 8, windows 10) When I bought, My laptop all the devices installed, but when I Installed my own windows 8 version, It has many missing device drivers... Please help if you can. Regards,