


  • I've updated all my needed drivers. Theres an option on Driver Booster in the tools section. Theres an option for fix device error. And nothing changed except my disk memory usage for some reason. Is there an other solution? I still cannot play my gmes.
  • Do I have to factory reset
  • Do I also use this?
  • How should I reinstall? When I start it up? And how do I know quick startup is enabled?
  • I might as well take a picture of my screen for system info. I also might ha e made a mistake on the model, because on the hand manual, it said an515-42. The link is also in Spanish 
  • Ok now it's done repairing. But I'm still having the same problem. Idk if this helps but when I turned on my laptop before repairing, it said reboot failed, or something like that. The laptops the same and I cant do anything about it. I didnt change any of the bios files. I think I have a corrupted file, and I do not want…
  • Ok now, the laptop is Automatic Repairing, but it's been stuck on that screen for 1 hour. Is that normal?
  • Please help, I've done everything I can, but nothing is changing. And also i did not download any malware, because if i did, Norton Security would've said so. I am very upset with what happened to my laptop.
  • I've tried, nothing happens.
  • My graphics card or GPU isnt AMD. I also cannot access power options. Like I said, taksbar doesnt work. Thank you for trying though. I am looking foward to getting the driver boosting thing though.
  • I also cant check my setting because my task bar isnt working, if there isnt any other way to get to settings.
  • How do you update display driver? And m device is up to date. I use task manager to run a new task 'Explorer'it works. But once I open a app and minimize it or exit, it just does the same thing. Also the windows button and task bar is not working as well.
  • I forgot to add something but I see a black screen, but I can see cursor. I also charge it to make sure it's on. But it just does the same thing everytime.