Requiem228 New User


  • I have tried both. Best luck so far with GPT. I get as far as the windows setup screen showing the available drives, choose the main partition and then get a error. And then I am unable to clean, or delete via diskpart cmd commands. It's like the ssd is just locked. 
  • Update; I had a tech friend repaste the GPU. Turns out there was NO paste on the GPU at all. Seems when I sent it in for the warranty mobo replace the tech forgot to put the paste on. Hopefully the GPU is OK. Will test after. Luckily I haven't been gaming much since I got it back!! 
  • Thank for the responses, an update; I ran GPU Z, and it showed the max acceptable temp for the card is 87 degrees. While in game for New World, and Skyforge the temp for the covered was hovering right above 87, low settings, standing still. I bought some Kryonaut, and am having the GPU re-pasted. Will see what that does.…