Pnkj199 New User


  • BTW i see your video now, and it's nothing compared to mine, if you see mine, you'll bang your head into it🤣
  • I'm not trying to fix it, i already knew the chip has some problem, but I am monitoring this conversation because i want to make sure that I'm not wrong, and i want to know if there's hardware fix (like repairing or replacing) available or not. If yes - tell me whereIf not - never mind
  • So anybody never heard about laptop graphics chip dead or malfunctioning problem? Because I think it's dead. Can't use in any software or game which uses this graphics. Both graphics chip listed under the device manager -display device menu and all driver installed 
  • I also have the same problem with acer e5 575g nvidia 940mx, updating driver or reinstalling windows and installing driver from acer site is not working solution, my laptops battery is not dead but also not new it can be used 30 minutes on minimal tasks. Can anybody confirm, that GPU is dead or not 