Ogrady2 New User


  • The link; http://community.acer.com/t5/V-and-VN-Series-Laptops/Acer-Aspire-V5-571P-6429-Can-t-get-into-BIOS/m-p/463890/highlight/true#M13091 The Solution; From computer off press and hold down power button for two minutes. After 2 minutes release button and power up as normal.
  • Have a read of my solution here; Acer Aspire V5-571P-6429: Can't get into BIOS
  • I too could not get into UEFI (BIOS) on my V5-531P after entering UEFI thru Windows 10 to change the boot order to try out Ubuntu booting it from a USB Flashdrive. My shock came when no matter of timing pushing F2 or F12 as I'd set up the BIOS to do would let me in, (even though the splash screen clearly showed the option…