No, I work with input-output hardware used to automate machines that are controlled by proprietary software developed by Rockwell, Siemens, Mitsubishi, etc. The security levels are getting very intense now as most of automated machinery is networked leaving it susceptible to attack. Windows is only used in the development…
I started to look into that as I have very frustrated with Microsoft but, I am forced to stay with them because I work with industrial controls (PLC's), they will only work with Windows 10 and 7. Thanks for the tip on drive booster, I will check that out. I have been warned about the micrsoft official W7 ISO, it is not up…
Your right Jack! Actually, the box the computer shipped with had a bracket and adapter for the second drive. I will be looking into purchasing a second SSD and installing it. First though, I need to investigate the availability of drivers and, finding an up to date ISO for W7PRO. Thanks
Surprisingly, I just looked, the laptop does not have a card slot, I wish I would have paid attention when I bought it.
Thanks for the reply Jack. The second disk you are referring to, could that be an external SSD connected through the USB-C port?