Nyoldeeth New User


  • Sorry guys I forgot to update: Acer took care of the monitor they confirmed that the screen was broken and so they replaced that part with a new one, retested it and resent it back to me. I only had to bring it back home from the post office but everything was ok and is still working great. Thank you guys.
  • Update 2: Today the monitor reached to the technitians, I sent it to them through the mail, because of the lockdown, and it it's currently under revision to check if its repairable or not.
  • Update for those interested: After talking to support today it has been decided to take the monitor to a technician after all the coronavirus stuff / quarantine is over. Supposedly it will run on their end and will not cost me unless they found out that its physically damaged, which is not. So I'll wait untill 13 of Aprill…